Monday, September 24, 2007

You never know

I suppose when people look at me they don't automatically think to themselves, "I bet she speaks Spanish." In high school, I used to battle with friends and other students trying to convince them that yes, in fact, I was fluent in Spanish. Well, just recently a couple of events have happened which point to the notion that perhaps you shouldn't just talk about someone right in front of them in another language. They could understand you!

The first incident was at work. I was there late as usual and it was trash day. Now typically they come by, empty your trash can, and vacuum your office (if you're not there). If you are there, they ask if you want your office to be vacuumed. Of course, this assumes that you are in an office, which I am no longer, but you'll have to wait until the next post to hear about that one. So, back to the story. There was quite a bit of scrap/trash in the hallway because everyone was cleaning out their offices. Three people come by to pick up the trash that day. Does it really take 3 people to do this? Anyway, they sort of ask if the pile in the hallway is trash. Three of us in the offices right around there respond yes. But for some reason they look at me as if I am the one deciding this. I repeat (in English), yes this is trash. So what does the little crew proceed to do? They look at each other and one of them says in Spanish, "she doesn't know what she's talking about. That's not trash." Now at this point, I was already seated back in my chair. If I were a bit more confrontational or cared at all what these people thought, perhaps I could have shot back, "Si, yo se de lo que estoy hablando y eso es BASURA." But no, Holy Spirit in charge, I held my tongue. Personally, I think it was an easy out that resulted in less work for them. But what do I know?

Now lets shift the scene to the car wash place. It was a beautiful Friday afternoon. I got the afternoon off and decided to run some errands. It was so nice to sit outside while I waited for my car to be washed. Once the two ladies drying my car were done, they waved the towel in the air and beckoned me over. I soon got up and started walking toward them. I look at the one extending a receipt toward me and smile big. I get a smile in return while at the same time she says to the woman next to her, "Asi quiero estar yo. Quiero estar haci de flaca." Translation: "That's how I want to be. That's how skinny I want to be." Now while this comment about me was more flattering than the previous, why do they assume that I won't understand what they're saying???

It's really a strange thing. I suppose that it would be less probable walking into a nail salon and expecting to understand the Vietnamese flying around me at record pace. But Spanish is a pretty common language. And even if you're not from a Spanish-speaking country or have parents that are, there is still a good chance that you speak it. So, my little advice to those out there. Be careful of what you say. You never know who understands what you are saying.

Tuesday, August 21, 2007

High School Musical 2

I can't say that I spend much time watching the Disney channel. And before last Friday, I had no idea what High School Musical was. Well, I got a crash course in this latest craze. I heard about it first on the radio. They were announcing the release of the new movie that evening. I heard that teachers across America were planning movie parties for their students and that kids everywhere were going to be glued to their TVs that night. I wondered what all the hype was about? It's just another Disney movie, right? On Friday night, I went to church to help out with our Girls Night. This is basically an all-night retreat (like a lock-in) we do for all the junior high and high school girls. The kids were excited because someone was going to be DVR/Tivo the movie and then bring it up to the church so they could watch it later that night. Well, I didn't stay for all the into-the-wee-hours-of-the-morning activities, so I didn't actually see it that night. Bu fortunately for me, Disney decided to air the movie multiple times throughout the weekend. I finally saw it Sunday evening. I was only going to watch so that I could stay in the loop with the latest craze in the lives of high school students. Therefore, my expectations were pretty low. But I must say, I was pleasantly surprised. It was a cute movie, funny at times, and had some catchy tunes. The movie was totally clean, which was nice to see. I was pleased to see some quality programming on TV. Now, of course, I want to learn the cheesy little songs. And I want to see the first movie (High School Musical). It comes on in a couple days, so I'll definitely have to DVR it! By the way, my favorite song was "You are the music in me."

Monday, August 13, 2007

Google's Street View

I recently discovered one of Google's latest inventions. It's called Street View and is available on the Google Maps webpage. It's nice in that in contrast to Google Earth, you don't have to download anything to your computer to see it. For cities that have been photographed, you can see real photo images of streets and intersections. It looks like Google goes around and takes pictures at every intersection and along every street. You see everything from buildings to sidewalks to people and cars. So far only NYC, San Francisco, LA, San Diego, Las Vegas, Orlando, Miami, and the great city of Houston have been photographed. It is very cool in that it allows you to see a 360 view of any particular street. You can also traverse the street in any direction. But the funniest thing I have discovered about this is a blog that keeps track of funny pictures that get posted on Street View. Here's the link to that site:
My personal favorite is the guy "caught taking a leak." There's just no privacy anymore! ((-*


Tuesday, July 31, 2007


I have been slacking again. I can't believe it's been so long since I last wrote. I decided tonight that I couldn't let the month end without sharing a thought here. As I look at the last couple of posts, I see that I have been a bit serious of late, so perhaps I should lighten things up a bit. If you know me however, you probably realize that serious is more the norm for me than not. But no worries, "lightening up" is on my list of things to do. (-;

One of my loves in life is ice cream. I could eat the stuff everyday for every meal. I like all flavors, all kinds. If we go to the basics, I do have a preference of chocolate over vanilla. But the latter is good too because you can always put chocolate syrup on top! My all time favorite kind of ice cream is gelato. That stuff rocks! For those of you who live in Europe or frequent often, you know what I am talking about. A few months back, a friend told me about a place that sells gelato here in the States, in fact, in the great state of Texas. They have a special family-owned recipe direct from Italy. It's made with whole milk instead of cream and has top-notch ingredients. The place is called Paciugo's ( and fortunately for me there is one in Houston now. Praise God! I did some research on their website and learned that they all but spell out how you can have one of your very own Paciugo's. I started to get excited dreaming about my very own all-I-can-eat gelato establishment. They have an application online for a franchise. They give you some steps on how to get set-up and they even list out what it will cost to open a new store. Well reading that must have been when I awakened from my fairy tale dream. Ouch! It can cost up to $372,000 to open one of these dreamlands. So there ended any bright ideas of starting my very own Paciugo's. However, my time on the site was not a total loss. I did learn that they are opening a location just minutes from my house near the Willowbrook Mall next Spring. Wahoo! Now I won't have to travel over 30 minutes to enjoy my very favorite treat on earth. A little bit of heaven just got closer.

Sunday, June 24, 2007

Love God, Love People, Nothing Else Matters

Several years ago after reading Purpose Driven Life, I decided that my mission in life would be to love God and to love people. I thought to myself, success at the end of my life would be for people to say at my funeral, "she loved God and she loved people." Well, apparently I am not alone in my pursuit in life. This past Friday, I attended the funeral of one who achieved this lofty goal and did it well. Dan Reiter was the victim of an unfortunate car accident. He was a young 22 who had just graduated from college. My relationship with Dan stems from my involvement in my church's student ministry. Dan and I were part of a team that went to the Dominican Republic about 6 years ago. I was a leader on the trip and Dan was one of the students. That trip was a magical time and I have experienced nothing like it ever again. We all had such a blast and saw God work in tremendous ways. The whole time I knew Dan, I was always impressed with his upbeat attitude and unending kindness towards people. He always went the extra mile to help others. His impact is far reaching as evidenced by the over 1000 comments left on his Facebook page since his death. I am so blessed to have known such a wonderful person. And now I am inspired anew to a live a life that matters; to live a life driven by the pursuit to love God and to love others. Below is a quote from Jim Elliot that was part of Dan's funeral service.

"God, I pray Thee, light these idle sticks of my life and may I burn for Thee. Consume my life, my God, for it is Thine. I seek not a long life, but a full one, like you Lord Jesus." -Jim Elliot, 1948

Sunday, June 10, 2007

Water for Life

So, apparently I am still slacking with the frequency of my jblogs. I just can't seem to find the time or energy to sit down and write, but anyway, I'll catch you up on a few things. First, on my list is to tell you about my well. Yes, that's right, a water well, in fact. I bought one recently. I don't know what it looks like or where it exactly it is located, but I know it exists. Let me tell you how this happened. About a year and a half ago, I learned about an ministry led by James and Betty Robison. Beth Moore was starting to appear on their Wednesday tv show teaching Bible study. Of course, I started to watch (via video stream on my computer and later on my ipod). My draw was Beth, but I was soon impressed by all the different outreaches this ministry was doing. In particular, I felt drawn to their "Water for Life" project ( The mission here is to build water wells in remote areas of Africa that do not have clean, running water. These wells are designed to provide water up to a 1000 people in a village for at least 25 years. In their first year of the project, they intended on building ~100 wells. This year, their goal is 200. Well, I decided I wanted to be a part of that. I have had a soft spot for the hungry, the thirsty, and the sick people of Africa for a while. But I always felt like there was nothing I could really do to make an impact there. So, I looked to see how much these wells cost. I soon learned they are expensive! $4800, to be exact. Of course, you can donate nominal amounts that will be put towards building a well. But, immediately in my heart, I wanted to buy a WHOLE well, not just part of one. However, I didn't happen to have $4800 just laying around in the bank. Who does? So, I just kind of put that desire on hold and prayed to God that if He wanted me to do this, He would have to show me where the money would come from. Like I said that was the beginning of last year. If you read my last post, you also know that I bought a new car this year. My lovely 328i (I am still enjoying it!). When I was figuring out how to pay for the car, I did all sorts of calculations, which included selling stock and things like that. One day, it occurred to me that I could just sell a little more stock and use the money I would get from selling my car, to purchase this water well. Brilliant! God answered the prayer! I was ecstatic at how this came about. In fact, when I sold my car, I got even more than just covering the cost of the well. Praise God. So, a few weeks after selling my car, I made the call to Life Outreach International ( and purchased my first-ever water well. How cool! What a privilege to participate in something that will make a difference, something that really matters. I so wish I could see the faces of those who will drink from this water well. I can only pray that it will be a HUGE blessing for them, lasting for many years to come.

Sunday, May 13, 2007


I am hoping to bombard you with a slew of jblogs here in the next couple of weeks. Jblogs, of course, are blogs written by Jennifer. Nothing scientific or fancy here, just a way to distinguish my blogs from the millions of others out there. Anyway, I have so many things that I've wanted to write here in the past month and just haven't had the time. I don't know that the near future will be any better, but I'll sure try.

First on my list is my beautiful new car. After having it for a month or so now, I am still thoroughly enjoying it! The new car smell has not worn off and I love smelling it every time I get in. The BMW 328i is everything I expected it and more. One of my co-workers was right when he said that you just get in a better mood when you get in the car and start driving around. Most fun has been watching my blue xenon lights turn on in the dark. They are self-leveling lights so they do this fancy dance up and down each time they turn on. I call it the " light show." I'll include a picture here so you can picture me in my new car easily. It's a dream! God-willing it will serve me well for many a year.

Sunday, April 22, 2007

Spring in Houston

It's been a while since I have last written here. Much has transpired and life has picked up quite a bit. But I wanted to stop and smell the roses for a moment. Most of you know that my beloved Houston is quite the hot, sticky, humid place for most of the year. But for a few short weeks we get the most incredible weather. It seems to have extended beyond its normal duration this year and I am thrilled! The air is dry and cool with a steady breeze that gently kisses your face. The flowers are blooming with every color imaginable bursting forth. The dogs are waddling their tales about as their owners delight in taking them for a walk. The picnic tables are popping up everywhere and I have yet to see a car drive by with their windows up. It's a joyful time in Houston and I am enjoying it immensely.

Thursday, March 22, 2007

Pray a lot

Has anyone ever noticed that we tend to pray a lot more when we find ourselves in a crisis situation? I know for me I tend to pray a lot when I need God a lot. That is when I think I need God's help a lot. Truth of the matter is, I always need God's help a lot. What happens, I think is that things start to go okay, life clicks along, and I think I am the one making that happen. So, then I don't think I need God and I stop asking for His help. Bad thinking! I always need God's help and I always need to be praying a lot. Isn't that what 1 Thessalonians 5:17 tells us? I like the way The Message puts its, "pray all the time; thank God no matter what happens. " No matter what happens - good or bad, pray. I do thank God for those times when I am moved to pray more. I may not like going through the situation at the time, but I never regret the closeness to Him that comes when I do.

Ashley Stockingdale

For those of you who have read Kristin Billerbeck's books, you recognize the name in the title to my blog today. I am most of the way through the second of this series of books on Ashley Stockingdale. I feel like I have become quite familiar with this girl. It is almost to the point of feeling like I actually know this girl. Billerbeck does an excellent job of portraying Ashley as a real person with experiences and thoughts that are all too true. So my puzzlement at this hour is not whether or not all of her crazy experiences could actually happen. But rather why she seems to think Dr. Kevin Novak is not the right guy for her. I mean he is handsome, charming, chivalrous, and totally into her. And did I mention he is a doctor? There also seems to be quite a bit of chemistry between them, so what's the problem? If any of you have any possible explanations, please enlighten me. (-:

I know this is random, but I really want to know. Maybe I'll find out by the end of the book...

Monday, March 12, 2007

Made to Love

I am totally loving Toby Mac's new song called "Made to Love." It's already made it to my "most played" list on my ipod. Everytime I hear it, I want to get up and dance! The music is peppy and lively and the words resonate with my core. So, go ahead and listen and dance and sing at the top of your lungs. (-; Enjoy!

Thursday, March 1, 2007

Oprah's Leadership Academy

Last Monday I watched a special on ABC. It was on Oprah Winfrey's new school for disadvantaged girls in South Africa. I had seen the previews the week before and knew I wanted to watch. It was an incredibly inspiring program. Oprah went back to her homeland of South Africa and decided to build a school for girls there. The coolest part of the program is when they showed the interviews of the girls applying to the school. Oprah basically went around to all these different villages looking for girls who would be interested in attending the school. Once she found them, she had them come in for interviews. You can't even imagine the circumstances and family backgrounds these young girls had. They all looked around the age of junior high, but what took me by surprise was their attitudes. These are girls that often live with just one parent or grandparent. They live in shacks (at best) with no inside running water or electricity. They showed one such shack with a single bed that is shared by the 5 in the family. Food is scarce and they often rely on one meal a week. A week?! I get cranky when I only get 1 meal in a day. In order to get to school, they often have to travel over an hour and awaken before dawn to catch the bus. I am not sure what I expected of them considering their background, but needless to say it wasn't much. Well, my preconceived notions were shattered. They each came in confidently and excited to meet Oprah. They were eager to express themselves and did so in articulate ways. They informed Oprah of their talents, their intelligence, their hopes, their desires, their dreams. I think Oprah fell in love with each of them. How could you not? They were all excited and spunky and beautiful. They knew they had nothing and yet they knew what they wanted and they knew to value the opportunity in front of them. One of them was bold enough to ask about college. She posed the question to Oprah, "what happens if we graduate from this school? what if we want to go to college? who will pay for that?" They cut to a commerical break right then. I hate it when they do that! Upon return of the program, Oprah informed the girl that she would. Any girl that graduates from Oprah's school can choose any university in the world and provided they get in, Oprah will pay for it. Amazing! Later in the program they showed the opening of the school and all the girls arriving. The girls live on campus in their own room with a roommate. They were given all new clothing - including uniforms for school. The school is complete with computer labs and all sorts of equipment. I am proud to say that HP donated over $500,000 in computer equipment along with technical support for the next several years. The looks on these girls faces as they embraced all of this was priceless. I was moved to tears watching it all. Awesome. It was such a beautiful picture of hope and love. I was inspired and encouraged. I prayed for those girls and all those to come. I hope their dreams come true and beyond. They are the future leaders of South Africa. They have the power to change their lives, the lives of their families and of their country. I hope they see it all come true.

And then came my conviction. It is easy to think that because Oprah has a lot of money she can do all this stuff but that we can't. But the reality is we are called to love. We are called to reach out. So, how am I doing in that realm? Do I reach out to the less fortunate? Do I think of ways to help the poor and the disadvantaged? Sure, from time to time. But not often enough. Not as a priority. I would like to change that. I would like to be overcome with compassion that moves me to action. I may not be able to build big schools or provide vaccines to every child with AIDs, but surely I can do something. I intend to do so. I will start by caring. Really caring. And really praying. And asking God to do something big through me or even something small. But something. Then I will see those smiling faces again. I will see their eyes shine and their joy overflow. And I will know deep in my heart that I have done what I am suppose to do, what I was made to do.

Wednesday, February 21, 2007

beautiful eyebrows

Hair seems to be on my mind a lot lately. Not other peoples hair, but my own. I seem to have a lot of it and in all kinds of places! Not to get too graphic here, but really, do I need all this hair? In my vain attempt to look beautiful, I consider doing all sorts of things to get rid of this unwanted hair. There are many techniques including cutting, waxing, bleaching, threading, epilator, laser, tweezer and yes of course, my favorite shaving. I have tried most all of these except for laser. I can't say that I find any of these to my satisfaction. There is always something that's not quite right like the fact that there is excruciating pain inflicted upon you. And so then the question becomes how much pain do I want to tolerate? There is also another component to all this hair madness. And that is where you go to get these services done? It seems that there is a salon on every corner willing to do one or more of these services for you. How do you know which one to go to? Well, I can tell you from personal experience where not to go. In comes 'Exhibit A' to our upper right. This pictures shows you what happens when one chooses to go the cheap route in eyebrow waxing. I walked into a place the other day and asked, "do you wax eyebrows?" "Yes, honey, sure, we do for you" came the response. Immediately, a strange feeling came inside of me and I instantly remembered the "Beautiful Nail" video. For those who haven't seen it, you must:
So, I ask, "how much?" "Fi dolla, honey" "Okay, I say" Several painful yanks later, I look into the mirror. I have to look long and hard to find my eyebrows. Where did they go? Oh, there I see them- two thin lines brushed across my forehead. I guess I can't complain I have too much hair now - at least not on my eyebrows. I won't even go into details of how my chin ended up. The red splotch on my face has not gone away yet. Lesson learned. Pay the extra money and get it done right. No more nail places for my eyebrows anymore. I am going to a specialist!

If anyone has any advice on who, what, where, and how with the bikini wax thing, feel free to let me know. That's next on the list.

Sunday, February 18, 2007

etymology of yada

It dawned on me that maybe not everyone knows what yada means. Perhaps you have heard the phrase "yada yada" on Seinfeld or mentioned from time to time in conversation. The word yada or yada yada means meaningless, boring, or empty talk. The etymology of the original Hebrew word yada means "to know in relational sense, to recognize and experience" This was often used in the phrase Yada Yahweh, which means to know and experience God.

So, I thought that yada would be a good word for my random talk. It will often be empty and meaningless, but hopefully from time to time, interesting. Until then, feel free to add your own yada yada and join the club.

Wednesday, February 14, 2007

Valentine's Day

Valentine's Day is not typically my favorite day of the year. In fact, I usually start to dread it a couple weeks beforehand. As a single person, I have come to view the day as "Single Awareness Day" and nothing else. This year, I was hoping to avoid some of those feelings. I threw myself into preparing for my girls Bible study and thinking about how to make it special for them. Very unexpectedly I had a special moment yesterday that totally changed my perspective and actually allowed me to enjoy the day. I was debating whether or not to share this as it is a special moment shared with God. It's kind of like one of those intimate moments shared with a loved one. You just don't share those with everyone. But as I was reading my Bible this morning, I came across this verse, "Whatever I tell you in the dark, speak in the light; and what you hear in the ear, preach on the housetops." This is Matthew 10:27. I knew this morning that I not only had permission to share this with friends, but that I was also to share it with my girls this evening. And that, I did. Okay, back to the story. I am driving to work Tuesday morning and it is freezing. I turn on my iPOD and click over to my Jars of Clay songs. In particular, I wanted to listen to one of my favorites, "Love Song for a Savior." I have loved that song for many years now. Anyway, I am singing along, when the chorus comes on, "I want to fall in love with you" and I begin praying those words. Its not that I don't love Jesus already, but I want to love Him more and I want to fall in love with Him all over again. So, I am singing along in my off-tune voice when I hear Him say, "I am already in love with you." At first, it didn't quite register, but then I realized that God was saying that to me. To me! I could hardly believe it. The God of the Universe, the Creator of all things was speaking into my heart not only that He loved me, but that He was in love with me. I felt the lump forming in my throat. The tears are welling in my eyes...and the song continues. Right as the words "and the tears will fall down and we'll pray" are sung a single tear rolls down my cheek. Now I am convinced! I am overwhelmed and overjoyed. Can you believe the sweetness of Jesus? To think that He would say this to me the day before Valentine's Day is just too much. How He knows our hearts and our minds and gives us just what we need. Needless to say my countenance was changed and I no longer gave into the dread of V-day. I honestly felt fine today and didn't even mind all the flowers, balloons, teddy bears, and chocolate displayed everywhere I went. I enjoyed the day secure in knowing that at least one Person loves me. And moreover, I was able to share this story with the girls and let them know that if God said this to me, He is saying it to them as well. How He loves them and cares for them and wants so much the best for them. I hope they heard that tonight - from Him. I heard it and I will never forget.

Sunday, February 11, 2007


This weekend was our DNOW weekend at church. Disciple NOW is our in-town retreat for junior high and high school students. I have been a part of many DNOWs and I am yet again amazed at how God works through this weekend. God is HUGE. And if you don't think so, it is simply because you have not experienced Him. There is simply no denying it or getting around His Huge-factor. Students were loved on, taught and challenged. On an exterior level one might point to the many things we collected for Christway Mission as our highlight this weekend. And while I do give much praise and glory to God for the car, appliances, TVs, furniture, and money collected, I point to tonight as the biggest victory. Our students were given the opportunity to share in front of the big group what God had taught them this weekend. Wow. They shared from the depths of their hearts. They were so brave. How encouraged we all were to hear the many different ways God worked in their lives. Most touching to me was a girl who shared a very deep hurt in her life. I was moved to tears as my heart broke for her. I literally experienced heart pain with her. Has that ever happened to you? Have you ever felt pain in your own soul on behalf of another? I have. It seems to happen most when I intercede in prayer for others. Its as if God allows you to feel a little of what they're feeling so that you know how to pray for them. And for that reason I am okay dealing with some pain. We had a great weekend filled with laughter and truth and healing. It was awesome and it is such a privilege for me to be a part of what God is doing in the lives of students. My heart is full. There was purpose in this weekend. Not each one is like it, but I will cherish this one for a long time knowing that I got to see God's hand at work in our midst.

Friday, February 9, 2007

a beautiful collision

The heart breaking makes a sound. That is the first line in David Crowder's song titled "A Beautiful Collision." Have you ever thought about that before? I do every time I hear that song. And I heard it again on my way home from DNOW tonight. So what does it sound like? What kind of sound does a heart breaking make? Is it a quick, high pierced shriek? Is it a long, low bellow? Perhaps it depends on what caused the break. And who hears this sound? God? The angels? Anyone else? I know I don't. But I certainly feel it. And I wonder did Jesus' heart break during his life on planet earth? If so, how many times? When? Did it break on the cross? Did it sound different than our hearts breaking? So does God really hear the sound every time someone's heart breaks? That seems a bit overwhelming to me and a bit noisy. But I guess God can handle it. In fact, I believe He does. He does hear and He feels. I bet He feels just as much as we do or more. And at least for me, that gets me through the break. Knowing that He can hear and knowing that He feels. And beyond that I know that He heals. He binds up the brokenhearted and heals their wounds (Psalm 147:3). And that is all I need to know.

my current addiction

I just wanted to get this off my chest. I am totally addicted to the lpm blog. I check it like 10 times a day. Not a good thing. I installed Google Desktop which some how knows that I care about that particular blog and it tells me every time there is an update. Ahh! Too much information. Did they read my cookies?? I think one of you will get that. So what cure is there for my poor soul? Perhaps my own blog will relieve this some, but I doubt it. At least I am not trying to read all the comments that are posted. For those who haven't checked it out yet, here is the url: Now you can get addicted too.

Thursday, February 8, 2007

My First Blog

I can't even believe I am doing this. I am not one to banter or chat very much, but something about this blogging deal has drawn me in. Perhaps it is because you can share those random thoughts that come into your head or voice a comment that often has no ear. I am not sure. I don't even know how often I will blog or what I will say. But I like the idea of having a place to share some thoughts, ideas and just some fun chatter. Hopefully, you will join in and share some of your own fun or insightful thoughts. I want this to be like a fun hangout place, a place where my friends and I can come together and laugh and play. I look forward to hearing from you!