Friday, February 9, 2007

a beautiful collision

The heart breaking makes a sound. That is the first line in David Crowder's song titled "A Beautiful Collision." Have you ever thought about that before? I do every time I hear that song. And I heard it again on my way home from DNOW tonight. So what does it sound like? What kind of sound does a heart breaking make? Is it a quick, high pierced shriek? Is it a long, low bellow? Perhaps it depends on what caused the break. And who hears this sound? God? The angels? Anyone else? I know I don't. But I certainly feel it. And I wonder did Jesus' heart break during his life on planet earth? If so, how many times? When? Did it break on the cross? Did it sound different than our hearts breaking? So does God really hear the sound every time someone's heart breaks? That seems a bit overwhelming to me and a bit noisy. But I guess God can handle it. In fact, I believe He does. He does hear and He feels. I bet He feels just as much as we do or more. And at least for me, that gets me through the break. Knowing that He can hear and knowing that He feels. And beyond that I know that He heals. He binds up the brokenhearted and heals their wounds (Psalm 147:3). And that is all I need to know.

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